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2022 Stormwater WA & Master Planning Award wins

The awards continue for Porter Consulting when the City of Gosnells were recently announced at the 2022 Stormwater WA Awards for Excellence held on 1 June as the winner of the ‘Excellence in Integrated Stormwater Design Award’ for Robinson Park on Corfield Street in Gosnells.  This award recognised the City’s commitment to water-sensitive urban design and showcases how effective drainage design can provide a water-efficient housing estate.

Porter Consulting Engineers were the lead engineers for the Robinson Park Estate and provided our knowledge, skill and engineering expertise to prepare the Water Sensitive Urban Designs within this housing development over many years of development to provide a fantastic community outcome.

We were also proud to hear that another project that we were involved in recently was the winner of an award at the Parks and Leisure Australia WA Awards in May!

The City of Melville’s Attadale Alfred Cove Foreshore Master Plan won in the category ‘Strategic and Master Planning Award‘, this award ‘recognises the development of strategies for parks, open space, sport, recreation and leisure opportunities by rewarding outstanding examples of strategic planning that have enriched and revitalised a community’.

Porter Consulting Engineers were an integral part of the Team Element project group working closely with the City and the Element team to provide engineering, traffic and transport advice and inputs into the master plan development.  We also participated in a 3 day charrette where we closely engaged with the local community and key stakeholders over their ideas for this important piece of foreshore.

Stormwater WA award for Porter Consulting Engineers